Gracie advertised some odd things, one of the oddest being cigarettes . . . she didn’t smoke !!!!!
- Arrid
- Barnes Pianos
- Barnes Pianos postcard
- Bert Aza book
- Clog brooch
- Decca records
- De Reszke
- Eastern Foam
- Fairy Soap
- Hercules
- His Masters Voice
- Hurseal heaters
- L.N.E.R.
- ‘Lux for dishes’
- Lux soap
- Macleans
- Macleans toothpaste
- Marquise Hairnets
- Oldsmobile
- Oldsmobile
- Persona
- Philips television
- Ponds Cream
- Potter & Moore
- Potter & Moore
- Potter & Moore
- Potter & Moore
- Potter & Moore
- Sarony
- Soap coupons
- Tea – ‘Down the droops’
- Page 402 – Tender Leaf Tea
- Tinned something
- Whitehall Hotel Sydney
- Whittle’s bread
- Worldwide Warehouses
- Worldwide Warehouses
- Wrigley’s